Sunday, January 5, 2020

Welcome Home friends.

The last time I posted to this system was 5 years ago. Since then I have returned to being a LVT full time, added another little human in my life and lost one of my beloved cats. I haved crafting through this whole time both knitting, sewing and crochet. If you wish to see those things you can see them on ravelry. I still go to my knit group formally known as the knitorious kent knitters renamed to the knitorious kent crafters because as most do we do more than just knit.

I took up machine embroidery, about the time i last spoke to you I took some of my inheritance and bought a huge Husqvarna Ruby embroidery machine. I have been able to create some beautiful things. And also make some money on the side to make more beautiful things. :)

About a year ago we moved our old child into my husbands office which is upstairs across from my sewing / guest room. Which wouldn't be so bad, however you might remember my husband actually works out of his office 3 days a week so moving into a cluttered over stuffed craft room with an artistic ( read messy) person has not been easy. Many things have changed but not my craft hording personality I just have to be better about hiding the new stuff.  My buy nothing and thrift store findings have help. My first big project was writing a list and as you can see finally getting to the point that there are more Xs than things to do.

Now as you can see it's far from done but in the last month I have been able to tick off 8 things. There are still some projects on this list from over 8 years ago and some that I am still mad at so they are sitting in time out....

As you can see this is a long way to talk about reorganizing and the crafter/artist soul. As you might know I am a orphan, my mother the og craft of the family left me lots, not limited to the love of craft but also supplies. I have been moving around some of these supplies for 20 + years (wow it zings every time I say shit like that.)  Now some is far from Practical case in point this QVC monstrosity - yes to get to every section you have to open it all up at 5 feet in total.           
This has held my jewelry pieces to some extent for 22 years or so and I have proof.
This here necklace was supposed to be mine. It matches the ones I made my attendants at  my wedding 20 years ago. My mother was sad i didn't make her one so I gave it to her and it broke. I never got around to restringing it for her.
I have since moved in this system which is way more compact and now I need to finish the job, but memory after memory comes up. A bead from my step mother, jade bought with a old best friend I don't talk to anymore. I just don't know if everyone feels all these feelings like I do when you clean your studio.

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