Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Countdown to spay day.

As I'm a Veterinary Technician, I still say it's my spay day, as in human medicine then often leave the ovaries. But due to family history they are taking those too. I had my pre-op appointment yesterday. It was not very helpful for preparing as there is so much still up in the air. The flighty billing department at my doctor's office still hasn't applied to my insurance. Which means they haven't ok the surgery as being covered. She stuck her foot in her mouth, as she called me Friday to tell me she expected to be paid in full for the Doctors costs. $1600. I told her I would see what I could do. I called in the morning to verify cost as I had to get a cashier's check, from my mom's trust. She's like you're so lucky you have an inheritance to get this money from. Well my mom died of ovarian cancer (bitch implied) so it's only fair she paid for my preventative total hysterectomy.

Still no word on how long my recovery will be.
So I'm trying to be good to myself, and stick to my diet but ...
Hospital called tried to tell me it will be $9000 out of pocket, I told them I've already  paid the doctor part of the deductable, later she calls back and attributed her error to computer glitch. I'll still owe close to $5000.

That is life, here's craft.

To help with the skin problem I've been having, Dr. Beth had me get an all purpose salve, it's kind of expensive, but it does help. So I being a crafty witch, already had some supplies on hand, I went to the 4 sisters store in Renton to grab the calendula flowers and they had it already in olive oil. I stopped at supper supplement too grab some other stuff and they had one of the oils Dr Beth wanted me to put in the salve on clearance.

So I whipped up a batch for a tenth of the price of the 1oz bottle I got before.
All-purpose salve
1.5 oz by weight bee wax
4 oz by weight Shea butter
4 oz by measure extra virgin olive oil infused with calendula
2 tsp local unfiltered honey
The following are essential oils
15 drops Frankincense
15 drops helichrysum
20 drops lavender
Total yield 8oz + a purse tub.

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